Begg – Edinburgh must future-proof its buses

This article first appeared in ‘Passenger Transport’ issue 315, and is reproduced here with the editor’s kind permission.

Out now: Issue 315 of Passenger Transport

Professor David Begg has warned his home city to respond to an increase in bus journey times by extending bus lane hours and vociferous campaigning

David Begg (right) with Edinburgh Bus Users Group chair Harald Tobermann and his dog Buster

It’s a warning that could be applied to cities across the United Kingdom, but on this occasion Professor David Begg was talking about his home city of Edinburgh: future-proof your bus network against further increases in journey times or risk decline.

Begg, former chair of the Commission for Integrated Transport, spoke at a meeting of the Edinburgh Bus Users Group in the Scottish capital last week.

While hailing Edinburgh’s transport system as “one of the best in the UK”, the former Edinburgh councillor urged the group to mobilise bus users and hold politicians to account on bus speeds. He also called on the city’s council-owned bus operator, Lothian Buses, to be more forceful in speaking up for bus users.

Begg lamented that statistics on bus journey times are not readily accessible. However, he cited City of Edinburgh Council’s strategic business case for funding from the Scottish Government’s “paused” £500m Bus Partnership Fund, which revealed that “bus journey times in Edinburgh continue to increase as a result of congestion – by nearly 20% in the last 10 years on certain corridors”.

Begg pointed out that this decline is despite the roll-out of ‘TapTapCap’ contactless ticketing and capping by Lothian. He said that contactless ticketing had reduced boarding times to just 1.5 seconds per passenger, compared to six seconds per passenger required to process ‘exact fare’ cash payments.

In June 2016, Begg produced a report for Greener Journeys – The impact of congestion on bus users – which found that bus journey times had been rising by almost 1% per annum on average across the UK’s most congested conurbations. His conclusion was that this trend was largely responsible for the decline in bus use – with the evidence suggesting that “a 10% decrease in speeds reduces patronage by at least 10%”.

At that time, Edinburgh had been one of the few UK cities to buck the trend of falling bus speeds, at least for a decade. Between 1986 and 1996, scheduled bus speeds increased by 5% as a result of better conventional bus priority, culminating in the radical ‘Greenways’ bus priority scheme – which was implemented in 1997 when Begg was chair of the council’s transport committee.

However, this legacy had already begun to dissipate through weaker enforcement of bus lanes and the removal of bus priority during off-peak periods in 2015.

When the Greenways were introduced they operated six days a week between 7am and 7pm. And, thanks to a good working relationship with the police, bus lane offenders were 15 times more likely to be penalised than today.

He asked: “Why have bus journey times deteriorated by 20% in Edinburgh over the last decade? Has it got anything to do with the fact that bus priority has been diluted? … You’d better believe it is.”

Begg said that the network could be future-proofed against further decline in bus speeds if the Scottish Government resumes the Bus Partnership Fund and supports Edinburgh’s “fantastic” bid for bus priority improvements on eight key transport corridors, which seeks to reduce journey times by 10% and journey time variability by 25%. “You get a cost to benefit ratio of 13 to 1,” he said. “Nothing compares with this. I don’t see any other project that compares with this.”

In the meantime, however, Begg believes that bus campaigners should focus on getting back to having bus lanes operate between 7am and 7pm – seven days a week.

He acknowledged that supporting bus priority measures is not always the politically expedient option (opponents of bus lanes used to call him “Bottleneck Begg”). Urging bus users to become more vocal, he recalled: “I never got anyone coming into my surgery when I was a councillor asking for more bus priority. I got plenty of people coming in complaining about bus priority.”

He said: “Politicians now, whoever makes the weather, they will adapt to it … Try and make that weather and get the politicians to do the right thing.”

Begg would also like to see Lothian Buses apply more pressure. He remarked: “Municipal bus companies are a great thing. Does it help in terms of the local authority giving more bus priority? Probably – but there is a downside. Even though Lothian, I think, is the best bus company in the UK, the downside is they don’t always challenge their shareholder. So when the shareholder, the council, diluted bus priority, they maybe could have been much more upfront.”

Having generated some press interest in buses during his visit to Scotland, Begg was disappointed by Lothian’s response. “It wasn’t as strong as I’d like it to be,” he said. “I’d like a statement from Lothian Buses saying ‘Yes, we need much better bus priority and this is crucial for our bus passengers’.”

EBUG Annual General Meeting; agenda and Committee’s report

18:00 on Thursday 6 June 2024, in the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh
1. Welcome, Apologies
2. To agree: minutes of 2023 AGM
3. To agree: Committee report 2023/24
4. To agree: Accounts 2023/24 (independently examined and signed*)
4. To elect: members of EBUG’s Committee
5. Guest Speaker David Begg will talk on: “Lothian Buses are the jewel in Edinburgh’s transport crown: don’t let traffic congestion destroy it”
6. Q&A
 * signed version was uploaded 29-05-24

Continue reading “EBUG Annual General Meeting; agenda and Committee’s report”

Edinburgh Bus Station; 1957 – ?

On 24 April, Edinburgh Live, followed by other media outlets, reported that the owners of the Edinburgh bus station site are seeking to redevelop it, without a bus station.

The City of Edinburgh Council’s bus station lease expires in 2027, so there are three years to resolve the problem, or Edinburgh will be left without a bus station.

The response of residents seems to be almost universal dismay. Many weren’t aware that the site is leased, not owned, by the Council. At the foot of this article is an appendix setting out its history.

Continue reading “Edinburgh Bus Station; 1957 – ?”

EBUG Annual General Meeting 2024

Our Annual General Meeting is on Thursday 6 June 2024, at 18:00 in the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh.

Our Guest Speaker will be Professor David Begg. He is the former political transport lead at Lothian Region and the City of Edinburgh councils, chaired the Government’s Commission for Integrated Transport, was on the board of the Strategic Rail Authority and First Group Ltd. He publishes the Transport Times.

Continue reading “EBUG Annual General Meeting 2024”

No. 14 – Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group: Members’ Bulletin February 2024

Welcome to the latest EBUG Bulletin.

    • The new on-street Real-Time Information screens are still displaying timetable, not real-time, timings for Lothian Buses. An update is expected at the Council’s Transport and Environment Committee on 7 March.
    • In January we took part in a ‘stakeholder discussion’ about Elm Row. This was productive and we are now looking forward to significant improvements to the bus stops there.

Continue reading “No. 14 – Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group: Members’ Bulletin February 2024”

‘Secrets of a Successful Bus Operation’ : recommended viewing

Click on these links to see slides and a recording of the recent and utterly excellent webinar Secrets of a Successful Bus Operation organised and published by the Foundation for Integrated Transport.  A brilliant exposition of how to do buses!

With Roger French, who was Managing Director Brighton & Hove Buses in some of its most successful years.

Roger says reliability should be a given, and identifies five other key areas:

    • Frequency, reliability, consistency
    • Price, value, simplicity
    • Legendary customer service
    • Information, promotion, publicity
    • Regular investment in new buses

Continue reading “‘Secrets of a Successful Bus Operation’ : recommended viewing”

Bad budget for buses

The Scottish Government has ‘paused’ the Bus Partnership Fund. The Fund is ‘a long-term investment of over £500m to deliver targeted bus priority measures…to reduce the negative impacts of congestion on bus services and address the decline in bus patronage’

When it was launched in 2019, it was the biggest investment in buses for years. Edinburgh and surrounding Councils planned to use it to finance major bus priority programmes, including on nine of Edinburgh’s busiest road corridors.

Continue reading “Bad budget for buses”

No. 13 – Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group: Members’ Bulletin December 2023

Dear EBUG member,

First of all, apologies to any members who didn’t receive our last Bulletin (Bulletin 12), due to the temporary unavailability of our usual method of posting it. You can still see it here on our website. along with other bus related news.

  • Complaints continue to grow about the new on-street Real-Time Information screens, which are displaying timetable, not real-time, timings for Lothian Buses but not, apparently, for other operators. There’s been much confusion. There’s an explanation by Scott Arthur here. The situation continues to develop.

Continue reading “No. 13 – Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group: Members’ Bulletin December 2023”

Updated Bus Lanes and Patronage Graph

We’ve updated one of our key graphs. It now shows:

  • The impact of the Covid19 pandemic
  • The reallocation of bus lane space during the pandemic, now largely reinstated
  • The reduction in bus lane hours in 2015

No 12. Edinburgh Bus Users Group: Members’ Bulletin October 2023

The EBUG Committee has decided to increase the frequency of members’ bulletins. We’re aiming for 6 a year, roughly once every two months. Due to the temporary unavailability of our usual method of posting the bulletin to EBUG members, October’s bulletin comes to you direct from our email account.

Here’s the ‘highlights’ since our previous bulletin in June:

Our AGM took place on June 21. Once the formal business was complete, Councillor Scott Arthur, Convenor of Transport at the City of Edinburgh, spoke about the role of bus services in the Council’s future transport plans. We were particularly pleased to note:

  • his reservations about the concept of ‘to not through’ the city centre with regard to buses.
  • that Councillors have not approved a blanket policy of removing bus stops.

Continue reading “No 12. Edinburgh Bus Users Group: Members’ Bulletin October 2023”