No. 19 – Edinburgh Bus Users Group: Members’ Bulletin February 2025

Welcome to the latest EBUG Bulletin.

  • We were shocked and saddened to hear that our Treasurer, Fiona McLean, had died in December. Fiona had been a Committee member since 2022, and took on the Treasurer’s role in 2023. She quietly and diligently carried out the vital task of looking after EBUGs finances, which remain in a good state to this day. Her contribution as a committee member and office bearer will be missed. Our thoughts are with Fiona’s family and friends.
  • On a brighter note, our Chair Mike Birch will be working with Napier University students on a project to look at how we can broaden our engagement with the bus user community. We are conscious that, while EBUG is well-known in local transport circles, there are probably thousands of regular, occasional, and potential bus users who have not yet heard of us. More details to come as the project progresses.

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No. 17 – Edinburgh Bus Users Group: Members’ Bulletin October 2024

Welcome to the latest EBUG Bulletin
  • Home news first; this month Stuart Stevenson joined the Committee. Welcome Stuart! There are now just two Committee vacancies; any EBUG members interested in joining, please contact There was also a reshuffle of the Committee, with Harald Tobermann and Chris Day stepping down as Chair and Secretary, to be replaced by Mike Birch and Gail Clapton. Nevertheless, the Committee does not operate as a hierarchy!

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No. 13 – Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group: Members’ Bulletin December 2023

Dear EBUG member,

First of all, apologies to any members who didn’t receive our last Bulletin (Bulletin 12), due to the temporary unavailability of our usual method of posting it. You can still see it here on our website. along with other bus related news.

  • Complaints continue to grow about the new on-street Real-Time Information screens, which are displaying timetable, not real-time, timings for Lothian Buses but not, apparently, for other operators. There’s been much confusion. There’s an explanation by Scott Arthur here. The situation continues to develop.

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No 12. Edinburgh Bus Users Group: Members’ Bulletin October 2023

The EBUG Committee has decided to increase the frequency of members’ bulletins. We’re aiming for 6 a year, roughly once every two months. Due to the temporary unavailability of our usual method of posting the bulletin to EBUG members, October’s bulletin comes to you direct from our email account.

Here’s the ‘highlights’ since our previous bulletin in June:

Our AGM took place on June 21. Once the formal business was complete, Councillor Scott Arthur, Convenor of Transport at the City of Edinburgh, spoke about the role of bus services in the Council’s future transport plans. We were particularly pleased to note:

  • his reservations about the concept of ‘to not through’ the city centre with regard to buses.
  • that Councillors have not approved a blanket policy of removing bus stops.

Continue reading “No 12. Edinburgh Bus Users Group: Members’ Bulletin October 2023”

Edinburgh Bus Users Group; response to call for evidence by the Cross-Party Group on Sustainable Transport inquiry into cutting public transport emissions

Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group (EBUG) is a campaign which aims to provide a voice for bus users; to protect and improve Edinburgh’s bus network. EBUG is concerned with bus services within the City of Edinburgh Council area and those which cross its boundary. It is user/supporter led, independent of any operator, local or national authority, political party or trade union.

Whilst our response is concerned with buses, some issues are shared with, for example, rail and ferries (and even freight), and the text of our response highlights this where particularly relevant.

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Comments on The City of Edinburgh Council’s draft Public Transport Action Plan

As submitted to the City of Edinburgh Council

In commenting on the six Action Plans which underpin the City Mobility Plan (CMP), Edinburgh Bus Users Group is:

  • Submitting the commentary below regarding the Public Transport Action Plan (PTAP)
  • Submitting a general statement regarding the Active Travel, Road Safety, Air Quality and Parking Action Plans
  • Submitting the commentary below, and the general statement, with regard to the Circulation Plan, taking account of the iterative relationship between PTAP and Circulation Plan.

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Comments on The City of Edinburgh Council’s draft Active Travel, Road Safety, Air Quality and Parking Action Plans

As submitted to the City of Edinburgh Council

In commenting on the Active Travel, Road Safety, Air Quality and Parking Action Plans, we submit this general statement which applies to all these Plans.

We have submitted separately comments on the Public Transport Action Plan, but note this general statement regarding overarching issues with all the Plans:

EBUG believes in a working partnership between the Council and bus operators which recognises that each should focus on what it can do, and what it does best.

The Council must increase the budget and capacity of the Council bus team and focus more pro-actively on delivering tangible improvements for bus users.

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How bus routes change; a quick guide to the process

Bus users and others often question how and why bus routes are changed, and are often very aggrieved about consultation, advance notice, and communication, or the lack of them. There is a complex set of legislation and regulations governing bus services. Lengthy but detailed explanations are here: and

EBUG’s attempt at a short guide for convenience follows:

Bus operators (who must hold an operator’s licence) are free to run any route they choose, vary or withdraw them as they see fit. Members of the public have no statutory right to input. This is set out in primary legislation.

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No.10 – Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group: Members’ Bulletin March 2023

Dear EBUG member,

This is the tenth of our occasional updates for members.

Our AGM is on Wednesday June 21, at 18:00 in the Augustine United Church, George IV Bridge. Our Guest Speaker will be Councillor Scott Arthur, Convener of Transport and Environment at the City of Edinburgh Council.

This Members’ Bulletin is the official notification to all members, as required by EBUG’s constitution.

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No.9 – Edinburgh Bus Users’ Group: Members’ Bulletin October 2022 EBUG

Dear EBUG member,

This is the ninth of our occasional updates for members.

Our AGM took place on Thursday June 30, as publicised in the previous Members’ Bulletin (number 8, May 2022).

The main formalities were election of the Committee; as follows:

Chair: Harald Tobermann
Secretary: Chris Day
Treasurer: Bob Moseley

Also elected to the Committee: Sally Millar, Jennifer Marlborough, Gail Clapton, Colin Brown, Fiona McLean (3 places vacant).

The AGM heard from Jess Pepper of lovemybus, which spreads a positive message about buses rather than overt campaigning. Jess reflected on the mismatch between buses’ importance to daily life and the (e.g. media) attention they get. The campaign now aims to establish an upwards spiral in attitudes to bus travel.