No.8 – Members’ Bulletin May 2022

This bulletin was received by EBUG’s web-weaver in early September 2022, i.e. after the AGM it covers.

Dear EBUG member,

This is the eighth of our occasional updates for members.

Our AGM is on Thursday June 30, at 18:00 in the Friends Meeting House, Victoria Terrace. This Members’ Bulletin is the official notification to all members, as required by EBUG’s constitution.

At the AGM

  • The Committee will present a report of the work of Edinburgh Bus Users Group over the year.
  • The Committee will present the accounts of Edinburgh Bus Users Group for the previous year.
  • The officers and Committee for the next year will be elected.
  • Any proposals given to the Secretary at least 14 days in advance of the meeting will be discussed.

We hope that formal business can be conducted quickly, to allow more time for our Guest Speaker, Jess Pepper (LovemyBus and Transform Scotland) and follow-up discussion.

Lovemybus is not widely known yet, but has taken off exponentially this year, and has done a phenomenal amount of work, notably with schools. Come along and hear all about it!

It would be helpful, (but not compulsory!) if you would let us know if you’ll attend the AGM. As before, a number of advance papers will be circulated to members. These will probably be:

  • Minutes of the 2021 AGM (which was held online)
  • Committee’s Annual Report
  • Accounts (may be included in the Committee’s report)

We believe the best way to distribute them is via EBUG’s website. So, keep an eye on it in the run-up to the AGM.

Your EBUG Committee